Brännland Cider "Iscider" 2018
100% Swedish AppleRound & candied. Apple & freshly cut grass.
Tasting Notes
Iscider 2018 from Brännland Cider has a deep copper colour.
On the nose it has a strong apple note mellowed down by white flowers and freshly cut grass.
On the palate the residual sugar is very present yet is well balanced by a strong freshness. On the palate the predominant note is fresh apple.
The finish is rather sweet and medium long.

Brännland Cider |
Iscider |
Sweet & Still |
Sweden |
Northern Sweden |
Swedish Apple |
2018 |
Note that the wines sampled here were provided to me for free, by the producer or a stockist of theirs.
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Brännland Cider
Brännland Cider
Brännland Cider started in 2010 with the dream of making great cider using apples grown in the cold climate of northern Sweden.
Brännland Cider produces artisanal ice cider on the Baltic seaboard of northern Sweden based on 100% apple juice from apples grown in both Northern and Southern Sweden.
Link to here...Wines Related To Brännland Cider
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