Anastasia Fragou "Savvatiano" 2020
100% SavatianoRound & quite full body. Golden apple & Fresh almond.
Tasting Notes
This Savvatiano 2020 from Anastasia Fragou estate has a pale yellow colour with greenish hues.
On the nose it opens with golden apple, pear, fresh almond and jasmine. There is a certain minerality to it too.
On the mouth it’s rather full and petillant, round yet there is a certain pleasant freshness. The main sensation on the mouth if a cleansing bitterness that makes one forget the freshness of the wine.
The finish is medium.

Learn more
Savatiano is a white Greek wine grape traditionally used as the base grape for retsina wine.
This grape shows a high drought tolerance. Maybe for that it is one of the most widely grown varieties in Greece, especially in the Attica region (Attika).
Because of the association with retsina wine, Savatiano wasn’t often used to produce wine “on-its-own” so to speak. It was either made into retsina or used to cut a blend and produce loose, unlabelled, table wine.
In recent years things have start to change with a few wineries betting hard on Savatiano. For more information about this, read my article about Mylonas winery!
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